Storm Shelters
Here is a list of the local city and county storm shelters. Stay stay today!
Storm shelters in the city:
The Oxford Utilities parking lot
The Oxford Activity Center parking lot
The recycling center next to Oxford Police Dept
OFD Station #3 139 Hwy 7 S
OFD Station #4 200 Mall Drive off of Jackson Ave W
Storm shelters in the county:
Gordon Community Center 37 County Road 115, (South of Abbeville)
Taylor Community Center 78 County Road 338, (Taylor)
New El Bethel Church 20 County Road 488, (Near Tula)
LCFD 1: 599 Hwy. 310 (Harmontown)
LCFD 2: 254 Hwy 30E
LCFD 3: 22 County Road 369, (Old Airport area near Hwy. 7 and 9W)
LCFD 4: 8 County Road 130, (College Hill)
LCFD 5: 826 Hwy. 334, (Yocona)
LCFD 6: 153 County Road 436, (Tula)
LCFD 7 (2 sets)44 Business 7 South, (Abbeville)
LCFD 9: 65 County Road 335, Taylor
LCFD 10 Central Station: 50 County Road 1032, (Across from North Pointe)
LCFD 11: 11 County Road 287, (Lafayette Springs)
LCFD 12: 1301 Hwy. 30 East (Philadelphia)
LCFD 14: 31 County Road 430 (Paris)
LCFD 15: 4 County Road 109, (Hwy. 6 West of Oxford)
LCFD 16: 823 County Road 313 (Union West)
Original source can be found here.